We co-build and fund B2B SaaS startups

Shifu brings resources, capital and talent together to help SaaS Founders nail their execution

Shifu Ventures : primarly helping founders with their execution

Great accelerators like YC: primarily helping founders with advisory

Ambitious SaaS founders like YOU

Let’s talk!

Doing B2B SaaS? We will have so many things to talk about!

Who are we

We’re an Accelerator
focussed on B2B SaaS

We co-build B2B SaaS Startups with ambitious founders from scratch

We fund B2B SaaS startups where we can add tangible value.
SHIFU Accelerator

We co-build global B2B SaaS companies with world-class founders

We bring in capital, resources and talent together to co-build great companies
with ambitious founders from scratch.

Build with us

Let’s build a successful B2B SaaS together!

SHIFU capital

Investing in SaaS startups where we can add tangible value

We put tiny cheques in promising B2B SaaS startups and you can count on us for
any help with execution.

Send your deck

We would love to know what you’re upto!

About us

Built by SaaS Founders
for SaaS Founders

We envision playing a substantial role in helping 100 SaaS startups succeed
in the few decades to come.

We are in this for the long term! Prefer partnering with folks with a long-term mindset.

We are particular about building Shifu and its companies the right way, the value SaaS way.

Be founder obsessed, and doing right for them is the north-star.

Small and Quick iterations are the only way to achieve long-term massive goals.

Health and Family before anything! Work is only one aspect of life.

This is a long journey, and it being fun and rewarding is important for us.

Sri Maneru
Co-Founder & CEO
Prateek Sethi
Co-Founder & COO